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About Ayurveda


Ayurveda is a 5000 year old traditional medical system based on herbal health care science that has evolved from the divine land of India. Made up of two words, Ayus meaning longevity and Veda meaning knowledge or science, the term “Ayurveda” defines a medical treatment that provides long term relief without any side effects.

At Pigmed Life Science, we had an unique opportunity of working with expert vaidyas, hakims and medical professionals that has provided us invaluable ayurvedic knowledge which we are putting forward to the world in the form of our genuine Ayurveda drugs that are developed to provide most effective curing from diseases. Our company specializes at providing exceptional quality Generic and patented Ayurveda medicines. We are an exclusive brand in providing patent Ayurvedic drugs for various health problems like respiratory problems, infections, gynecological problems, problems related to nutrition, joint disorder, endocrine system, urinary system and cardio vascular system problems. All our products are pure and genuine Ayurveda drugs formulated from carefully selected raw materials in most hygienic conditions under strict quality control measures. Therefore at Pigmed Life Science we are taking confident steps towards bright future by preparing products with acumen of standing apart in the bundles of medicines.

What is Ayurveda?

  • “AYURVEDA”the word itself is derived from two Sanskrit words-
    : meaning ‘life’, VEDA : meaning ‘knowledge’.
  • Ayurveda in most simple words can be defined as the ancient system of holistic healing from India. It is till date enjoying a widespread resurgence in popularity.
  • According to hindu text the science of ayurveda was first initiated by Brahma the creator of life in brahma samhita. Ayurvedic principles, techniques and formulations were eventually laid down in many texts by Charaka and Sushruta.
  • Eventually it was studied and induced into life by the vaidyas and gradually it flourished in India millions of years ago and is still practised in the 21st century.
  • A holistic approach of healing Ayurveda — The Science of Life — is based on the twin principles of Treating the whole body by Balancing the body with nature.
  • As a holistic healing tradition Ayurveda recommends treating the whole person-body, mind, senses, emotions and spirit-instead of following the one-cause-one-cure principle and focusing on the symptoms of the moment.


The factors that disturb balance in the body are known as DOSHAS. These three doshas affect the natural harmony in the individual’s body. These are structural components comprised of air, space, fire, water, earth Panch Maha Bhootas.

The three doshas are VATAKAPHA and PITTA.

VATA: is a combination of air and space elements. It is involved in processes like breathing, blood circulation, nervous stimulation, and all the processes involving movement. The temperament of person having vata dosha is: mentally nervous, anxious, insecure, creative, physically prone to constipation, fluctuating appetite, light sleeper, poor stamina, very active.
Remedies of excess vata is regular exercise, warm and simple food of sour, sweet, salty taste
KAPHA: is a combination of the water and earth elements. It is involved in processes like body secretions, cell structure, lubrication in joints, heat distribution etc. The temperament of person having kapha dosha is: mentally relaxed, compassionate, slow, prolonged memory, physically strong appetite, slow digestion and deep sleeper, good stamina, steady energy. Excess kapha is cured by vigorous exercise and by taking warm and spicy food of pungent, bitter and astringent taste.
PITTA: is a combination of the water element and the fire element. Pitta is hence involved in processes like digestion, absorption, assimilation of food, sensory perception, vision, hunger and thirst feeling of our body. The temperament of person having pitta dosha is :mentally organized, driven, easily irritated, love knowledge, good memory, competitive, enjoying leadership, physically strong appetite, sound sleepers and have moderate energy level. Pitta can be cured by performing moderate exercise, and taking cool less spicy food of sweet, bitter and astringent taste.


Our constantly on the go modern lifestyles leave little time for us to take a pause and focus on ourselves. The onset of the pandemic has forced us to comprehend just how dangerous it is to ignore our health and well-being, allowing us to re-shift our focus on healthy lifestyles which enrich both our physical and mental health. This is where Ayurveda also steps in. Ayurveda is the organic study of human physiology and psychology based on ancient texts passed through ages and civilizations dating back to the Vedic Era.

The origins of Ayurveda link back to the four ancient sacred texts of knowledge (Vedas) called Yajur Veda, Rig Veda, Sam Veda, and Atharva Veda. Based on the knowledge derived from the Vedas, Charaka Samhita, a description of all aspects of Ayurvedic medicine, and Sushruta Samhita, the Science of Surgery are considered the oldest written records of Ayurveda.